Work: the most requested creative professions that companies do not find

Let's discover some of the most requested professional figures.

Let’s find out which are some of the most requested professional figures in the world of fashion and communication design.

Digital PR and Digital brand managers, Graphic Designers, Virtual visual merchandisers, Web marketing specialists, Event coordinators: these are some of the most requested professional figures in the world of communication, fashion and design.

This data emerges from a market research carried out by the Research Department, a permanent observatory of the Istituto Modartech to monitor the emerging market and professions.

Corso Communication Design studio del colore

The demands of the market have always been the subject of attention by the Institute, which is committed to continuous monitoring of companies and to the demands of the job market, to facilitate the matching of work supply and demand and to provide concrete employment opportunities to their students.

Research clearly shows that the future of fashion is online. Fashion e-commerce is growing faster than other sectors, in the last five years, the average annual growth rate of online clothing sales has been approximately + 30%, double compared to that of e-commerce as a whole (+ 15% approximately).

All brands, even the lesser-known ones, display the online shop section on their websites. A widespread phenomenon that has given rise to new job opportunities for young people passionate about technology and creativity.

Below we have tried to describe those that represent the present and future of the professions of two sectors that now move hand in hand, Fashion and Communication.

Social Media Specialist

An almost unavoidable professionalism today, a figure that moves with great mastery in the world of social, generalist and specific, to create and spread the company identity. It combines a multitude of skills ranging from the ability to manage images and videos to writing for the web passing from the Html language.

Virtual visual merchandiser

The presentation of online products is the first step to entice the consumer to continue with the purchase. The Virtual visual merchandiser is a graphic designer who takes care of the virtual shop windows of online stores, which is at the same time a creative and a marketing psychologist: in fact he positions the various products in the virtual showcase trying to make them as attractive as possible to potential customers but he must also possess technical skills, notions of marketing, communication, and know at least one foreign language.

Fashion Graphic Designer

An interdisciplinary figure very much in demand by fashion companies for the ability to use graphics programs and a strong stylistic competence. In a world of increasingly digital fashion it has become a figure of great importance in creating products with a strong visual impact.

Digital PR e Digital brand manager

They are traditional professions for communication but they change with the advent of the web, above all due to the urgent need for each company to create their own web reputation, for this reason among the most requested. They are those figures that deal with the online communication of a brand, the digital review, the interaction with other figures such as the social media specialist, the event manager, fashion designers.

Web marketing specialist

Strategic figure of great importance both for sales and for the promotion of the brand or product.

Corso Communication Design studio del colore

In the fashion sector he is responsible for online marketing and communication and has excellent knowledge of SEO for the indexing of sites in the main search engines.

Web journalist and copywriter

Ideal profiles for those with good writing skills, for those coming from humanities or journalism. They are figures to whom the preparation of press releases diversified according to the media of diffusion, printed paper, blogs, social media is entrusted. For this reason, dynamism and flexibility in writing are required.

Event Coordinator

A figure of great appeal because it is able to conceive and manage events starting from a shared storytelling aimed at conveying the corporate message. Fundamental is the continuous updating, the knowledge of contemporary trends but at the same time historical and artistic knowledge and digital skills.

Communication Designer

A fundamental figure that embodies a set of technical and design skills of absolute interest for fashion and non-fashion companies. A designer able to conceive and manage integrated communication campaigns designed on the customer and therefore adaptable in every respect to find the maximum effectiveness of the communication message.

Corso professionale annuale Web & Graphic Design all'Istituto Modartech
Corso Communication Design lezione di fotografia
Corso Communication Design studio del colore
Fashion and communication are therefore two strongly interconnected sectors. All these reasons led Istituto Modartech to create Design and Graphics Courses to train new communication professionals.

The various courses provide notions of marketing and visual communication, but also of art history, photography, graphic design, writing for the web, digital PR, press office, event organization and fund raising. Highly requested skills in the labor market, but also life skills that are increasingly useful in finding one’s way in a constantly changing system.

Discover the annual and multi-year Istituto Modartech Courses dedicated to the creative professions most requested by the job market.

For more information on the training offer of Istituto Modartech send an email to or contact us at 0587 53764

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