The secret of success? Activate, cultivate and create a critical spirit

Interview with Paola Cacianti, RAI journalist and author of the TG1 format "Top - Tutto quanto fa tendenza".

Interview with Paola Cacianti, RAI journalist, author of the TG1 format “Top – Tutto quanto fa tendenza”

The protagonist of a Modartech Meeting, Paola Cacianti, a long-time Rai journalist and author of the famous TG1 format “Top – tutto quanto fa tendenza” – brought her testimony and her experience in fashion, costume and current journalism to Modartech students.

From a focus on Made in Italy to the importance of heritage in the collections of contemporary designers up to the protagonism of consumers in the fashion market and the role of millennials, these are the topics covered in two hours of “lesson”, face to face with communicators and budding designers sitting in the stalls.

1. How has the work of the journalist changed with the advent of new media?

A lot has changed: especially in the times, which today are much faster, because the news is contemporary to the events and very often enjoyable in streaming, as is the case for fashion shows for example.

There is no more waiting and for this we must read up immediately, but also react quickly. It is necessary to combine reflection with rapidity of expression.

In this hyper-fast and hyper-connected world, television continues to play a huge role, because it amplifies what happens on the web and brings together the phenomena and characters that are born and grow on the web, to a wider audience, differentiated by age and culture.

2. Today a fashion journalist needs to be more prepared than in the past?

A journalist must always and in any case be prepared, it is part of the professionalism that must be put at the service of the public to whom it is addressed.

Especially in an increasingly fast and superficial world, preparation makes the difference. A preparation that, even when dealing with fashion, must range over 360 degrees because it is only in this way that one can know, fully understand and better communicate the realities we daily tell.

3. How important are appointments like the Modartech Meeting? What would you recommend to a guy who today wants to start dealing with communication in the fashion world?

Moments of this kind are very important, because they bring young people closer to the reality of the profession, bringing them closer to their future. And to those who want to do this job, I recommend being curious and having circular attention to everything that happens around them. Don’t look only at the “bag” of fashion but take an interest in everything. And then take advantage of the web, which is a connection with the world. Always avoid fossilization, confront and compare everything and above all activate, cultivate and create your own critical spirit.

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