Piattaforma Sistema Formativo Moda

The association that brings together Italian training institutes, academies and universities that provide training courses relating to the fashion sector in whole or in part.

Piattaforma Sistema Formativo Moda is made up of schools that have always had a close link with the Italian cultural, historical and industrial heritage, constituting a fundamental segment in the development of innovation and the creation of new talent and creating the tools to align educational offerings and market needs.

The primary objective is the affirmation of the identity of the Italian fashion training system and the promotion of excellence, encouraging an open and continuous exchange between schools and industry >, also in relation to training systems of excellence at an international level. The Platform also intends to facilitate access to training for the most deserving students through a system of scholarships and to encourage the reception and inclusion of foreign students in the world of work.

Istituto Modartech, also part of the Board of Directors, represents the specialist training area in the Tuscan fashion sector on the Platform.

For more information: www.piattaformamoda.it

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