Modartech “dress up” the Colosseum

Modartech "dress up" the Colosseum - The Institute will design the uniforms of the Archaeological Park.

The Pontedera Institute wins the first place in the open call launched by the Colosseum Archeological Park and by Alta Roma to design the uniforms of the park staff which includes Palatino, Roman Forum, Domus Aurea and Colosseum, one of the most visited place in the world.

Istituto Modartech wins the first reward of the open call “Vesti il Parco Archeologico del Colosseo”, organised by the Archeological Park in partnership with Alta Roma. The contest prizegiving, in which partecipated 15 of the most important italian fashion academies, took place on 24th Thursday 2019 in Rome, wherethe second year students of the Fashion Design three-year course were rewarded, guide­d by the Fashion Design professorGaia Martelli with Daria Locchi, coordinator of special educational projects

Daniele Adami, Cinzia Cerri, Jessica di Lupo, Denise Garofalo, Gianmarco LupiAlma Rinaldelli, this is the team of students of the Fashion Design course who projected the new uniforms which will be realized and worn from the whole roman Archeological Park staff – which includes Palatine hills, Roman Forum Valley, Domus Aurea and Colosseum – one of the most visited place in the world.

With the support of the Educational Service operators and of the Archeological Park Supervision and Reception Service, the students had the opportunity to understand the technical details for the realization of many type of uniforms required by the call, comparing with the operators needs and creating a project that strenghtened the area identity, considering the quality, the fit, and the comfort, as well as the needs of the operators, working on many places located in this area.

The commision who choose the winner project, chaired by the Colosseum Archeological Park Director Alfonsina Russo, is composed by theAltaroma President Silvia Venturini Fendi, the Creative director and Fashion Vice President at large of Elle Antonella Antonelli, the stylist Alberta Ferretti, Archaeologist Official Irma Della Giovampaola and the supervision and reception assistant (chosen by drawing lots among the supervisory operators) Roberto Biagiotti.

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