Long live new technologies, but be careful about verifying the facts (even in fashion)

Interview with Laura Antonini, Corriere Fiorentino fashion journalist.

Interview with Laura Antonini, Corriere Fiorentino fashion journalist.

She spoke with Modartech’s students, came into contact with the reality of the Institute knowing its shades. This is why we decided to ask a few questions to Laura Antonini, a fashion journalist who, from the Tuscan pages of Corriere della Sera, tells nuances, novelties and curiosities of the fashion world.

1. Fashion moves to the rhythm of new technologies: how has the work of the journalist changed with the advent of new media?

New technologies facilitate the journalist compared to the past in accessing a greater number of contents, informations that today are also videos and images. There is also an advantage in being able to follow events connected to your iPhone or interview people from distant places. At the same time, new technologies involve greater attention to verifying facts.

2. From fast fashion to haute couture, contemporary fashion contemplates a considerable range of possibilities ranging from the cheapest and most popular items to high fashion: has fashion journalist to be more prepared today than in the past?

Depends on what. The journalist of the past was much more prepared about the product. He knew the materials, the names of the garments and had a trained eye to fashion known for direct contact with the ateliers that he had to attend to write.

Today, thanks to new technologies, you can browse the windows of department stores and watch high fashion shows in Paris at home. But it will never be easy to understand the real value of the product from a video.

3. What would you recommend to a guy who today wants to start working as a fashion journalist?

To satisfy his passion and to approach in an always original way to a sector that by its nature is always original. Also aware that the world of work is constantly evolving and that above all in the journalism sector we are looking for a new dimension of the profession.

4. Inflencer, blogger and journalists: friends or enemies?

They are all souls that move around the world of fashion. They can be friends, why not! The important thing is to be aware of the diversity of roles.

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