Event “Let’s create in Italy”

Modartech Institute participates in the third national congress CIANS – Coordination of non-state Afam institutions.

Next Thursday, January 18th, the third national congress CIANS – Coordination of non-state Afam institutions – will be held at the Maxxi Auditorium in Rome. This meeting, titled “Let’s create in Italy – Education, innovation, sustainable development,” aims to initiate a series of initiatives for the creation of a cutting-edge, internationally oriented, sustainable system of Higher Education in Art, Music and Dance, capable of contributing to the economic, social, civil and cultural growth of our country.

Within this framework, the conference aims to bring together various key actors involved in the strategic process, from the Ministry of University and Research to the National Research Council, from sector associations to the industrial world. The objective is to actively contribute to strengthening the Italian system on the global stage, adopting a “practice-based” research approach. The discourse will be structured around three fundamental pillars: the quality of education, research and innovation, and sustainable development.

In line with previous workshops, CIANS supports a series of actions to promote excellence in education in the Afam sector, improve performance, and adapt educational paths to dynamic and inclusive models. The activities scheduled for January 18th, 2024, are aimed at institutions, operators in cultural and creative production activities, as well as new generations and their families, with the aim of equipping them with the necessary tools to explore new scenarios and seize unprecedented opportunities.

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