Istituto Modartech participates in the working tables of the event organized by CIANS.


The conference entitled “Imagining the present” took place on Tuesday 29 January 2019 at the MACRO – Museum of Contemporary Art in Rome. Cultures. Design. Enterprises” promoted by the Coordination of Afam non-state institutions, which brings together various entities including higher institutes of musical studies and fine arts academies, to take stock of the system of high artistic, musical and dance education in Italy.
The event served to understand the state of health of the sector in the broader panorama of national teaching, and made it possible to create a bridge to connect training and professions, also with a view to internalization and development of Made in Italy .

«Cians – explained the president arch. Fabio Mongelli – in an increasingly broader and in step with the times form, is called upon to become a serious and credible protagonist, capable of generating institutional interlocutions of the highest profile and forming opinions. Not just one voice, but multiple voices: those of all CIANS training bodies, called to feed information and enrich the projects and activities that are carried out daily. A path aimed not only at artists, professionals and intellectuals, but also at the “base”, understood as an active community that participates in the artistic/design process. In this sense the artistic training path is a real revolution that perfectly expresses competence and knowledge. CIANS is therefore called to be the natural “dispenser” of this process. And it is also for this reason that the institutional website ciansedu.it is online today”.

The initiative, with a strong cultural value, was opened by institutional greetings from theMinister for Cultural Heritage and Activities Professor Alberto Bonisoli, through the head of the secretary Annalisa Bottoni. Following were the technical reports by Laura Pocci and Leonella Grasso Caprioli, both representatives of the Miur/Afam who illustrated the steps taken so far and above all those still to be taken. The following took part in the work, moderated by the writer and philosopher Nicolas Martino,: the lawyer. Anna Rita Fioroni, president of Confcommercio Professioni; the arch. Dario Curatolo, member of the Adi steering committee; the doctor Marco Tortoioli Ricci, president of Aiap; Dr. Sofia Gnoli, journalist and fashion expert; the doctor Marcello Smarrelli, artistic director of the Ermanno Casoli Foundation; the doctor Cesare Biasini Selvaggi, editorial director of Exibart.

The Cians institutions (Academy of Fine Arts “Aldo Galli” of Como, Academy of Fine Arts and Design Poliarte of Ancona, Academy of Fine Arts “G.B. Tiepolo” of Udine, Academy of Costume and Fashion of Rome, Accademia Italiana of Art, Fashion and Design of Florence, Hdemia of Fine Arts SantaGiulia of Brescia, IAAD – the Italian University for Design, IED – European Institute of Design of Milan, Istituto Marangoni of Milan, Istituto Modartech of Pontedera (Pi), IUAD – Academy of Naples Fashion, LABA – Free Academy of Fine Arts of Brescia, LABA – Free Academy of Fine Arts of Florence, NABA – New Academy of Fine Arts of Milan, RUFA – Rome University of Fine Arts of Rome, Sae Institute of Milan, Saint Louis College of Music in Rome) then met in four different operational tables to formulate, also from a practical point of view, the path to be followed in synergy with the ministerial bodies.

Table 1, “International cooperation for Made in Italy”.
Table 2, “Research and experiments“.
Table 3, “Afam Institutions Evaluation”.
Table 4, “Training and work”.

For more information, watch the AracneTv event video

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