Coronavirus: Istituto Modartech official communication

Istituto Modartech regarding the Coronavirus emergency informs that it is following the indications.

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May 25th 2020

Istituto Modartech provides for a partial and contingent reopening of the laboratories of its premises to restricted groups of students, defining access methods and attendance in full compliance with all safety standards.

May 4th 2020

With the entry of Italy in Phase 2 of the emergency management linked to Covid-19, the gradual reopening of the headquarters of Istituto Modartech is communicated, in full compliance with safety regulations. The didactic activities continue in FAD mode (distance learning).

March 9th 2020 – Istituto Modartech starts distance learning

Online lessons, e-learning, sharing of educational materials and virtual contact with the teachers.
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March 9th 2020 – Further measures for the containment and contrast of the spread of the Covid-19 virus throughout the national territory

The provision extends the measures referred to in art. 1 of the Dpcm 8 March 2020 to the whole national territory.
Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers
 Gazzetta Ufficiale DPCM – March 9th 2020
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March 8th 2020 – Further measures for the containment and contrast of the spread of the Covid-19 virus on the whole national territory

Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers
• Gazzetta Ufficiale DPCM – March 8th2020
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February 23rd 2020 – The didactic calendar has been respected with suspension of fieldtrips and guided visits.

Didactic calendar confirmed
Regarding the Corona virus emergency Istituto Modartech informs that the indications received by the Italian Minister of University and Research, Gaetano Manfredi, in consultation with the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, are being followed as regards restrictive measures for teaching activities in universities can be adopted by individual universities exclusively following specific ministerial provisions, in agreement with the Region, to which it is mandatory to comply.
Currently there are no precautionary measures for universities in the Tuscany region.
Should different ministerial indications be received in the next few days, we will promptly inform students, teachers and all those who came into contact with the Institute.

Suspension of educational trips and guided tours
Students and teachers are informed that the Council of Ministers on the evening of Saturday 22nd of February defined specific measures to avoid the spread of Covid – 19 and further containment measures.
Among the decisions taken, also that relating to the suspension of any field trips, guided tours and educational trips organized by schools, in Italy and abroad, starting from Sunday 23rd of February.
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Measures to follow and exemption from class attendance
Based on the order of the Italian Ministry of Health of Friday 21st of February and the ones issued by the Tuscany Region on the same date, Istituto Modartech invites students, employees and teachers to comply with the assumption of a responsible behavior.

Everyone is invited to follow the following measures.
1) Anyone who has recently traveled/lived the areas of the national territory in which epidemic outbreaks have occurred or have had contacts with people coming from these areas, they are required to strictly follow the measures issued by local, regional and national authorities, remaining at their home / residence pending further indications by the competent authorities.

2) Anyone who, in the last fourteen days, has entered Italy after staying in the areas of China or other Countries affected by the epidemic, is required to communicate this circumstance to the territorially competent healthcare company.

3) In case of suspected symptoms (fever, cough and breathing difficulties), students are advised to REFRAIN FROM ATTENDING LESSONS and staff and teaching staff to refrain from working.

It is recommended to contact the single telephone number set up by the relevant ASL or the phone number of the Italian Ministry of Health dialing 1500 , reporting to health professionals of any travel or contact with subjects at risk in the previous weeks, as well as contacting the family doctor.

Istituto Modartech therefore declares to exempt from the obligation to attend lessons students who, according to the ordinances, are required to take the measures specified therein.

• Italian Ministry of Health – Ordinance February 21, 2020 “Additional prophylactic measures against the spread of infectious disease COVID-19
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• Tuscany Region – Ordinance no. 1 of 21 February 2020 “Organizational and implementing measures of the ordinance of the Ministry of Health of 21 February 2020 against the spread of the infectious disease COVID-19”.
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Tuscany Region – Measures launched on February 23, 2020
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Coronavirus, behaviors to follow
• Basic protective measures against the new coronavirus
World Health Organization.
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