Alessandro Bertini on the Board of Directors of the Fashion Training System Platform

The director of Istituto Modartech spokesperson for Tuscan educational excellence in the fashion field.

Growing network and new opportunities for Tuscany>

The director of Istituto Modartech Alessandro Bertini joins the Board of Directors of the Fashion Training System Platform, the hub that, since 2008, brings together Italian training institutes, schools and academies that offer training courses in the fashion world.

An assignment that will last four years decided during the renewal of the offices, which led Matteo Secoli and Alberto Guerzoni to assume the Presidency and Vice-Presidency respectively.

“Being part of the Board of Directors of Platform Fashion – comments Bertini – means being able to further represent Tuscany in a national and international context, transmitting that value that distinguishes us as a territory through the talent of our students, from educational excellence to the business system and of the world of work. In Tuscany there are also very important realities and districts that are a reference point for Made in Italy: by network it will be possible to create more and more synergies, partnerships and opportunities for students and for the entire supply chain”.

Fashion Training System Platform is a reality that has been involving the Institute for some time now, promoting educational excellence through national and international events such as Fashion Graduate Italia, an event that promotes the creativity of young people designer and reinforces the precious partnership between companies in the sector every year.

An Association that fosters an open and continuous exchange between the world of education and the fashion industry by developing collaborations with national and international institutions and interlocutors, with the aim of positioning itself among the most authoritative players for the training of all work skills of the international fashion system.