Working in the world of fashion: the skills most requested by companies

A complete profile based on multidisciplinary training.

A complete profile based on multidisciplinary training.

Working in fashion is the arrival point of every young fashion designer.
More and more companies are hiring in this sector: brand symbol of Made in Italy, luxury maison and foreign brands that have established themselves in the fashion world.

The fashion supply chain is long and varied and there are numerous job opportunities offered by companies in the sector, not only in the creative sphere but also in production, sales, marketing and other areas.

To be able to emerge and join the team of the big fashion brands, you need tenacity, resourcefulness and a series of essential skills.

Let’s see together those that cannot be missing in the baggage of a young creative.

Specialized preparation

A specialist path in the fashion area is the essential basis from which to start in order to face a professional path in the Fashion System. The professional skills required by the talent hunters of the great houses are varied and multifaceted:

– Figures more closely related to the conception and design of garments such as fashion designers, trend researchers, product development managers; as well as figures related to the production of garments and accessories, such as prototypists, model makers, embroiderers, printers and tailors.

– Figures that take care of presenting the creations during fashion shows or industry events: fashion coordinator, fashion stylist, visual, fashion event coordinator, creative director, fashion photographers, PR and fashion journalists to name just a few.

The fashion world has a lot to offer in terms of employment opportunities, but is looking for specialized candidates.

What the great maisons are looking for are complete professional profiles, who are able to interface with the various offices and know the entire production chain, from research, to style, to the product, to modeling and packaging.

Our Undergraduate Course in Fashion Design is an excellent basis from which to start because it gives the opportunity to develop strategic and professional skills, acquiring a complete 360 ° training with a global and interdisciplinary vision. Responding to the needs of the corporate world.

Sectoral experience

Headhunters frantically looking for professional figures tend to choose who has already gained experience in the fashion area.

Job offers in fashion are frequent and these are always highly specialized professions, which require people with increasingly qualified skills.

For this reason, the training stage is a piece that cannot be missing from the training of a creative aspirant. Thanks to the experience in the company, valuable skills and competences are acquired which are useful for further work developments.

As well as educational projects with companies and professionals, to develop an ongoing relationship with the world of work.
In addition, teamwork, laboratory activities and skills related to team work take a leading role within the Istituto Modartech, that promotes a complete training course, aimed at developing both professional and individual growth.

A professional portfolio

Personal branding is the key.
Never before to face a job interview must present a professional fashion portfolio, where content, values and visuals emerge, and the protagonists are the creativity and skills acquired.

The portfolio will be evaluated for quality, professionalism, completeness and aesthetics. This is an unmissable opportunity to show your creative path and your personality.

What should it contain?

1) Short presentation that attracts the public’s attention, with the curriculum vitae attached in graphic format.

2) The collection of the best works made, sorted by client, date or type, with attached researches on trends, materials, colors, moodboards, lookboks, inspirations, sketches, sketchjes and technical data sheets.

3) A visual story. A coherent design, a series of trait d’union, some constant graphic elements that give the entire document an orderly, personal and professional look, through storytelling that presents photos, images and texts that show your style.

Transversal skills

More and more companies are looking for figures who have transversal skills in order to have the flexibility of insertion in more than one sector or to make them perform multiple tasks.

Academic and laboratory training is essential to stand out among thousands of candidates. A tailor-made preparation, between theory and practice, between creativity and technique, with the aim of training professionals capable of operating in the most varied sectors of fashion: from textiles to clothing, from the design of the fashion product to its production.

The didactic approach includes stylistic, technical, methodological, technological-productive knowledge, with particular attention to innovation and craftsmanship. When choosing a course of study it is always good to keep in mind the attention to the focus on interdisciplinary skills.

For this reason, in the Fashion Design Course, training ranges from design, art, styles and trends, digital illustration, textile products, modeling, communication, merchanding and much more, to provide a complete profile to future professionals in the fashion world, making them sought after by many sector realities.

Today, to work in the world of fashion, companies are looking for complete professional profiles, based on a solid academic background, a strong sectorial specialization and a right approach to the profession: desire to learn and experiment, values, curiosities, humility and passion.