Job Placement Service

Permanent job placement service

The Placement office constantly supports the matching between Modartech students and internship/job opportunities offered by our  partners.

All around the year, the Placement office organizes meetings with professionals, human resourses manager and talent specialists.  Career days, press previews and workshops are events dedicated to give students the unique opportunity to present themselves and their final project to companies and head hunters.

Istituto Modartech aims to increasingly satisfy the employment needs of students and companies. As a result, it also helps to boost the sector’s competitive edge and enables students to follow a training period that is always in line with the real market needs, allowing them to apply what they have learned.

Placement Office


+39 0587 58458

Alumni Network

It’s the new project providing a permanent job placement service and career counseling for our former students. An ongoing dialogue between Modartech Alumni and the professional world.

Modarech Alumni is a community of young professionals sharing the same vision and passion about Fashion and Communication. Alumni Network supports them organizing special events, workshops and seminars.

Being a Modartech Alumnus means to have always a direct access to new job opportunities and career development.