Our story

Istituto Modartech: from specialist training to support young creatives to the most prestigious of awards.

Istituto Modartech was born from the experience of actors specialised in professional training with the goal of developing a training centre of excellence in support to young people and industry.

From the craftsmanship to art, from technique to technology, each element is integrated in the Institute’s training method. Modartech’s know-how built over time represents a technical-cultural heritage available to students and companies.

The educational, logistic and technological excellence led to the MUR authorization – Italian Ministry of University and Research – to issue academic degrees within the AFAM field – Higher Education in Art, Music and Dance. A study title equivalent to a bachelor’s degree, in line with international university standards.

Today, Istituto Modartech, besides enclosing its story and activities done in many years of work, represents an important network made of professionals, teachers, students and companies, each one following their own mission mainly characterised by training human resources which have the necessary skills in line with the employment market in specialised sectors. It is ready to face new challenges for the training of the future generations.

From the apparel, footwear and accessories Design, to dressmaking, and traditional and CAD pattern making, to communication, graphics, web design and multimedia technology, the Istituto Modartech has contributed to the training of thousands of young professionals.