Modartech for Manteco

A special project to demonstrate how sustainability can be the fulcrum of the fashion of the future

The students of the degree course in Fashion Design participated in the “Fashion Sustainability Award“, organized by the Manteco company, a well-known leader in the sustainable fabrics sector. This challenge put the skills of young talents to the test in terms of concrete eco-design, requiring them to create a capsule collection that highlighted the theme of sustainability both through the re-use of used garments both through the use of sustainable fabrics.

Modartech talents thus developed a capsule collection project using exclusively the company’s fabrics, recreating garments through an upcycling process and ensuring that they were not only innovative and sustainable, but also wearable and suitable to the market.

A significant opportunity for students to confront the challenges of sustainable design, promoting environmental awareness and innovation in the world of fashion.

The projects were presented in the Creative Exhibition Sinergie Creative – Talents Evolutionas part of Pitti Uomo 106.